Our Mission: Walk to School!
What kind of town to do we want Santa Barbara to be? A town with neighborhood schools, where children and community come first! We believe every child should be able to walk to school in his or her own neighborhood. While this was once true in Santa Barbara, this has been lost. But it can be regained. It would not be easy, but it is quite possible to do, and it is worth the price. Because, actually, it is priceless. And Coalition for Neighborhood Schools has a plan of "how."
Neighborhood schools have the following benefits:​​
Fitness benefits: Walking to school !
Environmental benefits: Reduces traffic
Parental engagement: Promotes parental participation at the school campus close to home
Mental health benefits: Secure sense of neighborhood and belonging for child
Financial benefits: Reduces transportation costs
LINCOLN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, at the corner of Cota and Santa Barbara Street (600 block) was -- for 100 years -- the downtown school, serving primarily working class families of Santa Barbara from all backgrounds. The primary mission of Coalition for Neighborhood Schools is the re-establishment of Lincoln Elementary School. We advocate that the small campus which currently exists the SBUSD District Office at 720 Santa Barbara Street (700 block - one block away from the historic Lincoln Elementary School) be put to its highest and best use as Lincoln Elementary School. This can be accomplished immediately, with little or no construction costs. Read on in "Our History" tab!